Woman embarrassed about her bad breath

4 Notable Causes of Bad Breath

There are plenty of causes of bad breath, and while it is an unpleasant condition to have no matter what the cause is, there are times you want to do more than mask its odor. Health issues or dental problems sometimes are the reason for foul breath, and they need to be addressed by tackling the problem and healing it …

Father with his son

Top 5 Tips To Help Alleviate Your Child’s Fears Of The Dentist

Taking your child to the dentist is vital to maintain healthy teeth and promote proper oral hygiene habits. From a child’s perspective, however, the visit to a dentist could be a scary event – lying on an armchair in a room they are not familiar with, filled with unfamiliar objects and noises with a stranger poking unusual instruments in their …

Dentist looking at woman's gums for gum disease

5 Important Warning Signs Of Gum Disease

Gum or periodontal disease is considered a bacterial infection that is caused by the build-up of plaque along the teeth and gums. In fact, gum disease is one of the most prevalent and destructive dental conditions affecting millions of patients across the country. The condition can lead to tooth and bone loss when left untreated for a long time. Many …

7 Foods That Are Surprisingly Good For Your Teeth And Gums

When it comes to matters of health, what you eat has a significant impact on your overall wellbeing, hence the saying “you are what you eat.” Regarding dental care, some foods promote healthy teeth and gums while others are not good for your dental health. Tooth decay and gum disease are issues usually associated only with poor oral hygiene, but …